Saba Gul Saba Gul

Freedom, As Distance

‘Because freedom, I am told, is the distance between the hunter and its prey.’ Ocean Vuong's new novel 'On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous' -- written in the form of a letter from a Vietnamese-American son to his mother -- is such a delight . . .

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Saba Gul Saba Gul

Who’s Leading The Conversations?

So often, as we discuss the crises facing us today—the climate, inequality, big tech, poor leadership—who gets to lead the discussions is at the root of the problem. As the UN General Assembly concludes in New York this week, I’m reminded of . . .

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Saba Gul Saba Gul

The Complex Emotions of 9/11

For me, 9/11 always brings up complex emotions. Yesterday, on its 20th anniversary, I inadvertently found myself in the blocks around Ground Zero in Manhattan. As I walked around, I thought about how this year felt particularly unsettling because . . .

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Saba Gul Saba Gul

On The Soul

Found a beautiful passage in a BrainPickings piece about the soul and I had to save and share it. "Let’s take a necessary pause here to acknowledge that few words in our culture elicit more cynicism when mentioned publicly and more profound longing when contemplated privately than “soul.”

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Saba Gul Saba Gul

Remembering Rubina Saigol

Pakistani feminists lost an icon today. Rest in Power, Rubina Saigol - activist, academic, writer and a brave spirit whose incisive words gave power and guidance to a whole generation of Pakistani women. I was re-reading a wonderful piece she wrote in 2019 . . .

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Saba Gul Saba Gul

Reclaiming, Audrean Style

When Audre Lorde (who I've been reading more of lately) talks about the power of language, she talks about the reclaiming of that language. Language that has been made to work against women. And it made me think about how much there is to reclaim, as women . . .

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